Homemade Pizza

I'm so sick and tired of dominos and pizza hut now so HOMEMADE PIZZA IT IS

The one that I have above is 12 inches

Here is what you'll need

Pizza Dough:

420g of all purpose flour

2 tbsp of sugar

2 1/4 tsp yeast

1 cup milk 

85g salted butter (cold)

-Combine warm milk with your yeast and let it sit for a moment while you measure out your other ingredients.

-Add sugar into your flour and give it a rough mix and then add your yeasty water into your flour and give it another rough mix until a dough forms. Let it sit for a moment.

-Knead your dough for a minute and then add your cold butter in and knead until you can't see or feel butter in your dough anymore. 

-Leave inside of a greased bowl and let it proof for 2 hours maximum or until doubled in size. 

-Don't punch your dough down and instead, just let it slide out by itself from the bowl and onto your floured kneading mat. 

-Shape your dough, stretch it out and make it into a pizza shape.

-Add your tomato sauce (I used the San Remo tomato sauce on mine) and your toppings of choice and your cheese.

-Cover your pizza loosely with a cling film and let it rest for about 30 minutes before baking 

Bake for 10 minutes at 250°C

